
Freshman Seminar Projects

High School Projects   (10-12)

Junior High Projects   (7-9)

Elementary Projects   (K-6)

Data Links

Educational Links

Educational Resources:

Colorado Geographic Alliance GeoEd-LINKS
Cornell Theory Center K-12 Math and Science Gateway
This Gateway, maintained by the Cornell Department of Education provides links to resources in mathematics and science for educators and students in grades 9-12. Subjects include: astronomy, biology, computers, engineering, mathematics, physics, agriculture, chemistry, earth and environmental science, health and medicine, meteorology, and a monthly math/science topic.
Edgewood College and the Madison Metropolitan School District GIS Project
A pilot project involving Edgewood College and the Madison Metropolitan School District funded by the WATF and the ETB with the purpose of integrating GIS into K-16 education in Dane County.
Fort Braden Social Studies Site: Navigation Lesson Plan
Social studies lessons on the internet from the Fort Braden School in Tallahassee, Florida.
GeoNet Minnesota
This purpose of this site is to provide an internet source for anyone, especially students, to go access geography information; most specifically maps and statistics
GeoSciences Web Server Collaborative Visualization Project (CoVis)
The CoVis Project explores issues of scaling, diversity, and sustainability as they related to the use of networking technologies to enable high school students to work in collaboration with remote students, teachers, and scientists. An important outcome of this work will be the construction of distributed electronic communities dedicated to science learning.
Kids Web-Geography
A site aimed at appealing to younger students in geography with searchable topics including: The Virtual Tourist, World Travel Guide, World Flags, an interactive map viewer, and many others.
Mapmaker, Mapmaker, Make Me a Map
A basic introduction to cartography for younger students with terms common to geography and cartography explained
Minnesota Alliance for Geographic Education
A coalition of teachers, professors, and administrators who strive to improve geography education by enhancing geographic understanding of teachers at all levels of preparation, preparing new materials, and providing a forum for geography teachers and students to share what they have learned
Project Earth Sense
Project EarthSense is a K-12 environmental education program developed in response to the need to address math and science education reform. Remote sensing and hydrology are the two primary areas of focus with activities including lecture and hands-on activities in the classroom and in the field
Project GeoSim
Project GeoSim is joint research project of the Departments of Computer Science and Geography at Virginia Tech. that produces educational modules for introductory geography courses. Each module typically has two parts: A tutorial and simulation program with which to carry out lab exercises
Snow for Kids!
Snow activities for families, including science, literature, and art activities
University of Michigan K-12 Weather Curriculum
Weather-related projects for K-12 students that utilize current technologies such as the world wide web and CD-ROMs
USGS Educational Materials List
Direct link to the USGS's earth science educational materials including booklets, factsheets, posters, and CD-ROMs with ordering information
Volcano World
This site has information about volcanoes around the world and the United States
Working with Maps
A teaching packet appropriate for grades K-3 where students will learn basic concepts for visualizing objects from different perspectives and how to understand and use maps
National Geographic Geography Education
National Geographic's central geography location on the net with searchable topics including: Geography Education Division, Faculty Forum, Geographic Alliance Network, Classroom Ideas, Partners in Online Education, and Resources
K-12 Internet Resources for Geography Education
The purpose of this page is to provide K-12 teachers with quick links to resources to support geography education and the National Geography Standards
Citing Internet Addresses
A source for internet citation protocol
GIS Curriculum Development
A central site for the National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (NCGIA); a consortium consisting of the University of California Santa Barbara, State University of New York at Buffalo, and University of Maine whose primary mandate is to conduct basic research in geographic information science and its related technology. Results of this research and how it is being manifested in GIS curriculum and many other topics are included in this site.